Monday 26 July 2010

July 2010 - A Dream Come True - ballooning.

I tried to book it for 11 July, our Anniversary, but due to security restrictions imposed on foreign money transfers there was a delay in my payment so we had to wait two weeks or so for the balloon flight.

And it was worth the wait.

The company we chose, Aeroglobo, is a family business run by father and son. Our pilot was Antonio, the junior partner, and he could not have been nicer.

He speaks fluent English which is good for us as our Spanish is still in the fairly basic stage, and explained the whole adventure to us over coffee before the flight began. His father drove the van/trailer combination this time.

We met at 7:30am as flights in balloons are better suited to conditions before thermals build up. In our climate these build up quickly due to the constant sunshine. We drove a short way to a take-off field where the team unpacked the balloon and basket, assembled the burner and gas bottles, then proceeded to inflate the balloon. Kathie helped with this which begins with simply blowing air into the mouth of the balloon via a large, petrol driven fan. When it is sufficiently inflated the burner is ignited and hot air is blown in to the balloon and it starts to rise. One has to be quick after this. When you see balloon festivals on TV the balloons are tethered to the ground and have large teams of attendants. When there are only two attendants and two passengers you have to get into the basket as soon as the balloon is vertical.

So there we were airborne and floating above the countryside roughly mid way between Elche and Orihuela.

When we were about 20 metres from the ground we were gradually drifting at about 15kph in a north easterly direction but as we went higher the wind current virtually died and we were almost stationary. We broke out the Champagne to celebrate and sipped it at about 500 metres above ground.

We climbed to over 670 metres (over 2200 feet) before descending again to catch some wind to move us over the area.

Eventually all good things have to end and we settled down to land.

Antonio had explained that he is always looking out for safe landing spots whilst flying so he adjusts the flight, using the available winds, to position us where he knows he can land without causing damage to the field, the kit, and of course the passengers and crew. Father was waiting with the van and we first of all landed (if somewhat bumpily - see video) within a few yards of him, right on a road. We then moved it a few hundred metres to allow the balloon to be laid out and packed once deflated.

What a fantastic experience. We had been airborne for the best part of an hour in very good weather. Our landing was exciting after which we were enlisted to help pack the balloon away in its bag.

When all was safely packed away, the four of us travelled a short distance to a cottage where we had a picnic in the garden, toasted the flight with Cava, and were presented with certificates celebrating the experience.

This was an anniversary present which we will both remember for a very long time and many thanks must go to Aeroglobo for making it such a memorable day.
