Friday 26 June 2015

May 2015 - What a month....................

We had originally planned to leave Spain for our summer retreat to the UK in June, in time for Kathie's brother's wedding in June. However with the weather suddenly getting hotter, and with wedding details still to complete, we brought our leaving date forward to the end of May.

Things started in quite a relaxed way with a visit to The International Falconry School, situated just a few miles from us. A blisteringly hot day but it was great to see the birds of prey and even be able to handle some and see them at very close quarters.

Kathie holding the tiny American Kestrel (Colin) whilst it feeds on chicken

The Eagle Owl being given a cold-water shower.


Shortly after this we travelled to Lamansa, a town about 2 hours away, and the scene in the early eighteenth century of a major battle of the Spanish Succession. This was a combined trip with the U3A of Kathie's Art Appreciation Group, and the Military History Group of which I am a member.

The story of the battle is available elsewhere so will not be repeated here except to say that it was a major turning point in the Spanish War of Succession.

We chose not to travel in convoy so as to be able to call in for coffee without overwhelming the chosen café. On arrival in Almansa we visited the museum and interest point for the Battle. Our guide talked us through the origins of the War of Succession and explained the timetable of the battle which was over and done with in just a few hours. There is a huge painting depicting the battle which is housed in the museum of Valencia. Two full size copies may be seen in the town, one in the museum and one in the council-chamber in the town hall.

We also paid a short visit to the beautiful church in the town centre.

A few pictures from the visit:-

Somebody has it in for us
We are now half way through the month and things begin to get stressful. The car had been booked in for its ITV but the garage could not do it for me until the third week of the month. The lady doing the transfer (Amanda) took over after the car had passed, and requested further paperwork from me in order to prove to Trafico my address in Spain. She returned requesting more proof on the Thursday, only seven days before we were due to leave for the UK.
We required a new Padron (a document which shows you have a residence in Spain) which can only be obtained from the town hall.
On the Friday we travelled to Orihuela only to find that the town hall was closed for a fiesta. A day lost. Town Hall not open until Monday.
Two more days lost over the weekend but on Monday I obtained the Padron.
We also learned on the Monday that our Spanish Will does not cover us properly and requires to be changed to conform with what we require. We made an appointment to visit a Spanish Notary on Tuesday to have our Wills altered.
We then went to Amanda's office to deliver the Padron, after arranging to meet our friends in another town to have lunch by the sea. The Padron was duly handed over but when we got back to the Clio it wouldn't start. We called our friends on the mobile and they came back (10 miles) to help. We arranged for the breakdown service to come out. Now as luck would have it the car started when he arrived but on advice from the breakdown guy we arranged to have the car checked out. Drove to our garage. Our friends took us home to collect the Audi.
Tuesday - the day before we are due to leave for the UK. Busy day. Amanda phoned us to say all was OK with Trafico and gave us our new car registration number.
We drove to the Notary and rearranged our Wills. The garage phoned us to say that the problem with the Clio was the battery, they fitted a new one for us. On to the Insurance Broker and arranged to insure the Audi in Spain. Finally to Amanda for one last time to collect my new number plates.
Later in the afternoon, Kathie took Timmy for his check up and medication before the trip home, and I took the Audi to our friend Martin who was going to store the Audi whilst we were away. The little devil  was still after us as Kathie's spare car keys, which I had in my pocket had fallen out in the Audi and I had to go all the way back to Martin's to get them.
Tuesday evening, all done, big sigh of relief, out for a meal at the Orange Tree then an early night ready for an early start.
And so we set off. Another 1500 miles to go so I will not detail the whole journey but day one was beautiful. Quite a long ride to Jaca in the Pyrenees.

One night in the beautiful Hotel and Spa Real then off on the road through the final mountain pass to France.

A beautiful and restful route home!
