Friday 19 April 2013

February 2013 - A visit from Number One Son

Mike had been going through the wars a bit with his company Viridian PCs and was really down so we invited him out for a spell as a pick-me-up.

We wanted Pippa to come as well but her committments made it such that she had to stay in England.

Mike was with us for about two weeks and we got out and about as much as we could and also made sure that he remained active and not stuck in front of a PC screen.

He joined in with our Art trip to Murcia,

drove out to Cartagena with Kathie and had real tapas in the Casino,

joined us on a day out in Guadalest,

and was invited out to lunch at the Finca Bonellis Eagles by our friend Norma who celebrated her 86th birthday.

Added to that he took our dog Timmy out for a couple of long walks and even went for a very brief dip in the sea. It might be the Mediterranean but it is still cold in February!

The trip seemed to lift his spirits and we hope to welcome all three of them next time.
