Saturday 6 July 2013

May 2013 - "White Water" Rafting

The ex-Chairman of our local U3A (70 next birthday) is an active chap and likes to get out and "Do Things". He runs the Walking Group and gets about all over the area finding new things to take part in.

A few months ago he went on a "White Water Rafting Experience" and enjoyed it so much that he asked if we as a Group would be interested. About fifty people agreed to go and we had just a fantastic time.

I suppose in the winter there could be a modicum of white water on the River Segura but when we went in May it was deep and fast flowing but not like some of the Alpine raging torrents where the really adventurous get their thrills.

Considering that the fifty people on the water that day were mainly in their sixties and seventies we didn't do bad.

We set off in five boats with one experienced member of the organizers "steering" each one. For the most part the river is lined with bamboo type growths and I am sure that our steersman kept turning us into them. Of course this allowed the boat coming from behind to catch up and try to overtake but this was always met with a barrage of splashing and barging. It's amazing how much water you can lift with a paddle to throw at the "enemy".

We went through a couple of places where the water was shallower and thus formed rapids, then went over a weir.

A couple of miles further on we came to a giant weir which would have flipped the boat if we had gone over it so it was all out and the boats were sent downstream by the handlers then caught and tied up. We in the meantime waded out into the middle of the river and went over the weir individually.

After that it was back in the boats for about another half hour to take us back to town. Here we showered and changed into dry clothes then adjourned (as usual) to a local restaurant for a long lunch before taking our coach back to our starting points.

The time on the water was about three hours and it was enjoyed by everybody who attended.

Roll on next year when we have another one planned.
