Monday 20 September 2010

September 2010 - Life's a Beach

It's hard to separate life on the Costa Blanca from the beach. In the summer months, the Spanish people on holiday love to group together on the beaches and even though there may be lots of room only 10m from the water, they will cram themselves together along the water's edge caring nothing for what we Brits call personal space. Lots of chatter takes place as different families meet, play, talk, stroll, and generally enjoy the tightly packed environment.

The title of this post has been used many times and I do not claim any originality but it is a great phrase and sums up what I am trying to show here. Most of the pictures are from the last couple of months but some old ones from previous beach holidays have sneaked in.

A quiet day by the sea!

Lifeguards Relax

Blinded by the light.

Three up

Spare Tyre!!

Gone swimmin'

Genuine Rolex Watches?

"Stay vigilant"

A storm on the way.

A nice stroll.

Waiting for hire....


Size doesn't matter we are told..........

Oh to be young and slim again!!

Beach monkies.

Blue Flag.

Pedal power.

Afternoon nap.



Quelle tube!

World Champion.

Suit up for....

...the jet ski and............


Keeping cool.

Love the hat.

Keeping watch.

The busy end of the beach..

..and the quiet end.

Sunday lunch.

Pedaloe ride.

The perfect tan.

A quiet read.

Safe swimming.

Young mum in a yellow bikini.

Walking the dog.

A neat dive.

Shade for hire.

Watches, sunglasses, guaranteed 10 years...

Communal bathing.

Time for a drink.

Card school.

End of the season.

Lonely lifeguard.

Sunset, and time....

...for a last swim.

Party time...

...with fireworks...

...over the beach.

Bikini Bash.

The bikini bash was a charitable event and an attempt to beat the world record for the number of bikini-clad women gathered together on one beach. The record is around 2000 but the event this year, held on Campoamor Beach, attracted too few ladies to beat the record.

Maybe next year.
